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Mastering Client Attraction for Creatives & Freelancers

They like your work but not enough to pay for it.jpg

As a creative or freelancer, it can be troubling to start getting compensated for your work. This post will cover key things to consider when attracting PAYING clients.

I've been a photographer for years, and for a long time I had the wrong perspective on prospects and customer service. For example, When I would get individuals that liked my work but didn't necessarily want to pay my rate, I would take it personal. I didn’t take the time to understand WHY they didn’t want to pay what I charged. And with that, I realized is that my approach was wrong.

We need to be clear about 3 Things.

  1. The specific audience you provide too.

  2. How do you provide Value ?

  3. How to put your product / service in front of them.

For example, If I make running sneakers my audience to consider would be athletes, particularly runners. The value my product provides is that It is a better sneaker for running with a new technology for comfort. My team and I invest in a commercial aimed to showcase the advantages my shoe can have for runners. This is how I put my product in front of my audience.

This is a rough example but point being is we want to be intentional. What I learned is when you're working with prospects, it's about what value can you offer them. How can you solve their problem with the item or service you provide? Become a problem solver. Polish and brand the idea of how you can help others by delivering value.

This works the best when you take the time to understand your specific audience.